Other Parasitological Societies

The American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP) was founded in 1956 and is affiliated with the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). AAVP is a scientific and educational organization with approximately 450 members (mostly from North America). AAVP holds an annual scientific meeting in July, in association with the AVMA, at which time members and invited guests present their latest findings and updates on a variety of animal parasites and the diseases they causes.

The American Society of Parasitologists (ASP) is a diverse group of over 1500 scientists from industry, government, and academia who are interested in the study and teaching of Parasitology. Founded in 1924, ASP members have contributed not only to the development of parasitology as a discipline, but also to primary research in systematics, medicine, molecular biology, immunology, physiology, ecology, biochemistry, behaviour, and more.

The Australian Society for Parasitology was founded in January 1964 to foster association of persons interested in parasitology, foster establishment and proper curation of collections of Australian parasites and by facilitating intercourse and discussion, promote investigation and advance the knowledge of parasitology. Today the Society present prizes for students studying parasitology and has an extensive range of travel awards and bursaries which are given to students and visiting lecturers.

The British Society of Parasitology is the primary scientific society in the UK for parasitologists. They welcome membership applications from UK and overseas from anyone connected with parasitology. You can join the BSP using the links on the left. Members can download the Society's Newsletter, obtain discounts on BSP conference registrations and apply for BSP awards and travel grants.

Bulgarian Society for Parasitology is a successor of the Society of Parasitologists in Bulgaria (established in 1965). Bulgarian Society for Parasitology is a professional association of Bulgarian researchers and experts working in parasitological aspects of biology, human and veterinary medicine, agriculture and forestry. Bulgarian Society for Parasitology is a member of European Federation of Parasitologists and World Federation of Parasitologists.

The Danish Society for Parasitology (DSP) serves as a networking opportunity for professionals and students involved with parasitology in Denmark including research, education, control and management of parasitic diseases. DSP spans a wide expertise within the expanding fields of Parasitology in the 21st century: Human and veterinary medicine, zoonoses, public health, vaccinology, technology development etc.

The Hungarian Society of Parasitologists was established in 1964 under the auspices of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in order to support scientific research, to increase public awareness, to improve education in parasitology and related fields and to maintain relations with local and international organizations.

The Indian Society for Parasitology (ISP) was established in 1973 under the Societies Act XXI, 1860, and has the major objectives of bringing parasitologists of different disciplines under one umbrella to advance knowledge in this vital area concerning human and animal health. The Society is affiliated with the World Federation of Parasitologists and has over 600 life members at present.

The Japanese Society of Parasitology was established at the first general assembly on April 5th 1929 at Tokyo Univ. The first President was Prof. S. Goto. Then in the following year, the JSP jointed to the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences as a section meeting. Thereafter, the JSP continued to hold annual meeting except for 1944-1946, and published official organ, Parasitology International, formerly the Japanese Journal of Parasitology.

The Netherlands Society for Parasitology (NVP) was founded in Leiden in June 1961. The NVP has stimulated and supported activities to further scientific research of parasites and to improve the quality of diagnostics and treatment of parasitic infections. Since 2002 the organisation has held one scientific meeting in the spring, with the autumn meeting being organised by the society’s Work Group for Clinical Parasitology.

The New Zealand Society for Parasitology has annual general meetings and conferences generally held in the August to October period, with the abstracts from the latter usually being published in the New Zealand Journal of Zoology. Every four years or so the NZSP combines with its Australian counterpart for a joint conference. The Society Seal consists of a triquetra, representing the three points of parasitism (the host, the parasite, the environment) and the Southern Cross.

The Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology (SBSP) aims to encourage research and education in parasitology in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The Baltic Society for Parasitology was established in 1993 and the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology was founded in 1967. Together the joint Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology will provide additional opportunities for parasitologist in Scandinavian and Baltic countries to meet each other and to work together on joint projects.

The Society of Parasitologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SOP RAS) was founded by the Constituent Congress held at the Zoological Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, October 20-21, 1992. The society goals are: Dissemination of the parasitology knowledge, stimulation and coordination of the new technology tools, training, assistance in publication of the main scientific results, and support of the most important national periodicals on parasitology: the journal "Parazitologiya" first of all.

The World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) is a non-profit, organization for scientists who study helminthology, protozoology and entomology. Founded in 1963, the association is the largest international veterinary parasitology organization in the world, with membership of over 600, consisting of veterinarians, parasitologists and others interested in the area.

The World Federation of Parasitologists promotes and co-ordinates the exchange of knowledge, research and other activities relating to parasitology. The International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA) takes place every 4 years. Members of The Federation consist of scientific organizations concerned with parasitism, mainly national societies related to parasitology or tropical medicine. The Federation was founded in Warsaw, Poland in 1960.
Parasitological Journals

Acta Parasitologica publishes reports on new investigations in all areas of basic and applied parasitology. It encourages the submission of articles on studies describing most recent findings in the field of immunology, molecular biology, systematics and phylogeny of parasites. It publishes articles and short communications of interest to a broad range of life sciences researchers, as well as book reviews and invited review articles on recent advances of interest to its audience.

First published in 1963, Advances in Parasitology contains comprehensive and up-to-date reviews in all areas of interest in contemporary parasitology; includes medical studies on parasites of major public health burden, veterinary parasitology and reviews of more traditional areas, such as taxonomy and life history, which shape current thinking and applications. Eclectic volumes are supplemented by thematic volumes that may be suggested to the editors.

Experimental Parasitology emphasizes modern approaches to parasitology, including molecular biology and immunology. The journal features original research papers on the physiological, metabolic, immunologic, biochemical, nutritional, and chemotherapeutic aspects of parasites and host-parasite relationships.

Folia Parasitologica is an international journal that covers all branches of animal parasitology, including morphology, taxonomy, biology, biochemistry, physiology, immunology and molecular biology of parasites, host-parasite relationships and parasite evolution. The language of publication is English. Suitable manuscripts are reviewed by at least two independent referees before acceptance.

The International Journal for Parasitology publishes the results of original research in all aspects of basic and applied parasitology, including all the fields covered by its Specialist Editors, and ranging from parasites and host-parasite relationships of intrinsic biological interest to those of social and economic importance in human and veterinary medicine and agriculture.

The International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife (IJP: PAW) publishes the results of original research on parasites of all wildlife, invertebrate and vertebrate. We are inviting submissions on all aspects of wildlife parasitology including: • taxonomy • biodiversity and distribution • ecology and epidemiology • population biology • and host-parasite relationships

The Journal of Parasitology is the official journal of the American Society of Parasitologists (ASP). The Journal is nonprofit and dues of the membership support the cost of publication. Manuscripts in English are accepted from investigators in any country regardless of whether they are members of the Society. The Journal publishes official business of the ASP and results of new original research, primarily on parasitic animals.

The Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology journal provides a medium for rapid publication of investigations of the molecular biology and biochemistry of parasitic protozoa and helminths and their interactions with both the definitive and intermediate host. Papers solely confirming the conserved functions of genes previously studied in other organisms will not be considered.

. Parasite is the journal of the French Society of Parasitology. It is an international open-access, peer-reviewed online journal and publishes papers in English on all aspects of human and animal parasitology, including general medical and veterinary parasitology, morphology, parasite systematics, molecular biology, ecology and life-history studies and host-parasite relationships. The new website of Parasite is now online and includes eight years of archives (2005-2012) in free access.

Parasitology is an important specialist journal covering the latest advances in the subject. It publishes original research and review papers on all aspects of parasitology and host-parasite relationships, including the latest discoveries in parasite biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, ecology and epidemiology in the context of the biological, medical and veterinary sciences.

Parasitology International provides a medium for rapid, carefully reviewed publications in the field of human and animal parasitology. Original papers, rapid communications, and original case reports from all geographical areas and covering all parasitological disciplines, including structure, immunology, cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and systematics, may be submitted.

The journal Parasitology Research covers the latest developments in parasitology across a variety of disciplines, including biology, medicine and veterinary medicine. Among many topics discussed are chemotherapy and control of parasitic disease, and the relationship of host and parasite.

Systematic Parasitology publishes papers on the systematics, taxonomy and nomenclature of the following groups: Nematoda (including plant-parasitic), Monogenea, Digenea, Cestoda, Acanthocephala, Aspidogastrea, Cestodaria, Arthropoda (parasitic copepods, mites, ticks, etc.), Protozoa (parasitic groups), and parasitic genera in other groups, such as Mollusca, etc. Systematic Parasitology publishes fully illustrated research papers, brief communications, and fully illustrated major revisions.

Trends in Parasitology aims to provide a point of access for communication between workers in all disciplines, both in the field and laboratory. TTrends in Parasitology aims to provide a point of access for communication between researchers in all disciplines of parasitology, bringing content that is authoritative and cutting edge, yet accessible to a wide audience of readers. Articles are generally commissioned by the Editor, but unsolicited proposals for articles are also considered.

This journal is concerned with those aspects of helminthology, protozoology and entomology which are of interest to animal health investigators, veterinary practitioners and others with a special interest in parasitology. Papers of the highest quality dealing with all aspects of disease prevention, pathology, treatment, epidemiology, and control of parasites in all domesticated animals, fall within the scope of the journal.