Early-career Conference Support
Doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows can apply to the PARSA Council for financial support towards an international conference (such as ICOPA, WAAVP, etc.). This support offers early-career researchers the opportunity to attend an international conference, to showcase their research, gain experience in presenting a paper to an international audience, as well as interact and network with international researchers in their field.
The following individuals have been awarded this prestigious award:
2024: Linda Van Der Spuy (NWU)
2023: Mpho Maduenyane (UJ)
2022: Marliese Truter (NWU)
2021: Anja Vermaak (NWU)
2020: Not awarded
2019: Edward Netherlands (NWU)
Applications should include the following:
Completed motivation form (see attachment).
A curriculum vitae.
A certified academic record, including undergraduate studies.
Record of conferences attended during the last three years, and a list of previous international conferences that were attended.
Conference call of the international conference, including related costs.
Letter of support from academic supervisor.
Proof of additional funding, or at least a list of potential funding sources that the applicant has applied to, should be provided.
Only doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows will qualify.
As the amount available will not cover the total costs of the conference abroad, it is imperative that applicants should seek and provide evidence of other sources of funding.
The conference will need to be within the year of application (within 12 months from the award date).
The postgraduate students/fellows must be registered with a university in South Africa.
The applicant must be a PARSA member.
One award, of R10,000, is available for each category (PhD and postdoc), i.e. R20,000 per year.
Payment will only be made when the proof of payment for the conference registration is provided.
An applicant will be awarded only one travel award within any two-year period.
This award cannot be used to attend PARSA and PARSA-related conferences (such as ICPOW).
Although not the only requirement, priority will be given to applicants who have never attended an international conference.
A motivation must accompany the application and incomplete applications will not be considered (please complete the motivation form below).
The recipients of these awards will be required to submit a written report (with four to five conference photos) within two months after the conference, which will be published in the next PARSA newsletter.
The evaluation committee reserves the right not to award the scholarships if, in their opinion, the applications do not warrant it.
The decision of the council is final, and no correspondence concerning the decision will be entered into.
Applications should be addressed to:
Prof Kgomotso P. Sibeko-Matjila
Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases
University of Pretoria
Private Bag X04
South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)12 529 8402
E-mail: kgomotso.sibeko@up.ac.za
The deadline for applications is 30 April every year.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.